ASU Professor Ratings

A Chrome extension for fast, inline 'Rate My Professor' ratings on the class search page



Once you add ASU Professor Ratings to Chrome, simply do your class search as you normally would, directly from ASU's search page.

You can also click the ASU Professor Ratings icon in the upper right hand side of your browser to be taken directly to the search page in a new tab.


After the results page loads, ASU Professor Ratings gets each professor's rating directly from Rate My Professors and displays it inline, next to the professor's name.

By default, each professor's Overall Rating is displayed, however, this can be set also be set to show Difficulty in the extension options.


To see more details, simply hover over the professor's rating. You will be able to see additional info such as each of their ratings, the number of reviews they have received, and even their most recent review!

If the professor has a review in the course you searched for it will be displayed. Otherwise, the extension will show you the most recent review they received from any course.